Sunday, 6 June 2010

How to get things done

I am a girl filled with visions and ideas, but with a somethimes mind-boggling lack of followthrough. This has led me to a constant need of new techniques of "How to get things done".

This is the one that never fails me, although it is incredibly boring and very obvious. The thing about very obvious things, is that we never seem to bother with them.
This tip however, is completely worth it.

1. Make a list!
I know, it's boring, and you've heard it beofre, but try. If you're doing a spesific project, make a list over each step. If you have serveal things that needs to be done, just write down the most important thing first.

2. Hang it somewhere you can see it!
Visibility is key. Both because you get a constant reminder, but also because it makes step 4 feel a lot better.

3. Do one thing at a time!
Many like me get easily sidetracked when there's to many things to do. I often start doing something simple, and end up doing so many things on so many places it ends up looking even worse than when I started.
Focus on getting one task at a time done. And enjoy repeating step 4 over and over and over...

4. Cross things out!
This is wonderful. Big fat green, pink, blue or red lines telling you that you're done! This feels good, looks good and is rewarding on so many levels, and even more so if your list is visible for others to notice how good you've been.

5. Don't forget the reward!
If you don't get as turned on by crossing things out as me, you'll probably enjoy this point more. The Reward! Promise yourself something pretty when you're done with the first 3 tasks. Or make plans with a friend for when you've finished the list. It doesn't have to be fancy, I often promise my self a cold glass of soda when I'm done with the next task, or that I'll go for a walk as soon as I'm done.

Taking my own advice, I made this list for things I need to get done by friday:

1. Paint new words on the wall - Done (Really happy about the result!)
2. Put all the DVDs in shelves - Done (Also counted them; we now have almost 900 titles)
3. Sort out all the art books and put them in a new bookcase - Done (Part of my puting projects in to action plan)
4. Sort out all the books you want to give away - Done (anyone want a whole lot of books??)
5. Make sofa cover - Done (cheap and easy!)
6. Sort through all the books and CDs in the "library" - Almost Done
7. Hang what you need of the paintings on the wall, make collage, put rest of stuff in storage
8. Tidy up the "library"
9. Sort out all the fabrics and make a system (I have no idea how I'll do this)
10. Tidy up and clean the place¨

You've got a list?


  1. I've always got a list in my bag. It kept getting longer and longer and longer. So I tried starting at the bottom. So now I write things, do them at ones, and cross them out again.. So now I'm thinking the list is a bit unnecessary. But I really like the idea of writing things down and cross them out immediately, and save the list and never start a new one, 'cause it looks like I got a whole bunch of stuff done.

    And I was very pleased when I found out you're writing a blog! :D:D

  2. I have to admit i do that myself sometimes, writing things i had already done, or things i'm just about to do. However...there's something about the crossing out part ;-)
