Sunday, 13 June 2010

Mother in laws birthday, and a bit about marmalade

Today was my mother-in-law’s birthday, and we celebrated it at their cabin by the sea.

I am grateful for that cabin!

This cabin is one of my favorite places in the whole world. It’s right at the end of a beautiful fjord, and gives me peace of mind and a feeling of bliss.

My mother-in-law also has an amazing, unfailing talent for creating cozy hideouts from every nook and cranny. She buys a lot of old stuff at flea markets and auctions. Look at the wall in the left picture for instance. Pieces from an old oven.

She’s also got real green fingers and can make just about anything grow. As a result, everywhere plants can grow at the cabin, they grow. In pots and pans, boxes and boats alike.

I didn’t grow up by the ocean, so I still love spending hours with my nose inches from the surface, looking for crabs, fish, shrimps and seashells. And there’s no better place than their dock.

Both my husband and my brother in ran around pointing out things they found.
The weather was nice and was a really nice day!

I brought my mother-in-law a glass of each of the marmalades as birthdaypresents.
Decorated two wooden tags with stamp and ink, and wrote the name of the marmalades on the backside.

The lemon-lime-grapefruit marmalade is good, but really citrusy. It’s sour and sweet and a little explosion in your mouth, maybe even a bit much.
Next time: more sugar, more boiling.

Also, since I decided to use only the zest, pulp and juice, it took a whole lot of time, and I haven’t definitely decided it was worth it. Peeling 500 grams of limefruits free for all except pulp, is really not a pickninc.

I like both the marmalades myself though,and that counts for something.

It's been a great weekend. Only one normal workweek left, before my long and well deserved holiday kicks inn. Will be awesome!

Do you have any plans?

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