Sunday, 11 July 2010

All in all Iceland

I've just copy/pasted this from an e-mail i sent to my friend Kristen.

Iceland was fantastic!! It such an interesting landscape, such a sweet tempered people, and so many wonderful and interesting contrasts.

I think my favorite moment was the second time (!) I went to the Blue Lagoon, it was about 41 degrees Celsius in the water, about 7 in the air and it started raining so hard that most people left the pool. The warm water, the cold rain, the wind, the steam and the loudness of the rain completely surrounded me, I felt blessed and connected, really lucky to experience it.

Iceland (and Reykjavik in particular) is filled with so many great artists, designers and musicians. I really enjoyed all the creative street art, the wool designs, the young and colorful fashion designers and all the joyful weird little creations so obviously inspired by the nature and feeling of Iceland.

The ice cold wind mixed in contrast to the calm hot springs, the red glowing lava and the blueish white glaciers, the boiling bubbling geysers and the crystal clear lakes, endless green hills and the harsh almost moonlike lava landscapes. So many wonderful contrasts inspiring, breathtaking and always surprising. I loved it.

I actually spent a lot (lot!!!!!) of money on art and design. I even bought some ridiculously expensive colorful and naive paintings of sheep. They made me laugh and I “had to have them”. So I bought five, and I will love them dearly ;-)

I even bought some Icelandic music, not Björk or Sigurd Ros (I already have them covered ;-) but music previously unknown to me. I haven’t had the time to listen through it all yet, but what I’ve heard I’ve really liked.

It’s fun for me to notice how music once again is such an important part of my life. I seem to turn off that part of my life when things are hard, and then turn it back on when I’m happy. Would have thought it was the other way around.

My sister and I really got along, almost felt like we were old friends I felt. I really liked that.
I also got a chance to really rediscover my own panic-mastering-abilities as I went snorkeling in water 3 degrees warm (cold…) and started to “take in” water. Interesting experience!

So I’ve returned inspired, bursting with creativity, truly happy and grateful, filled with hope and humility.

Things as they should be.

I'll be back soon, 'til then : be good!

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