Wednesday, 6 October 2010

How to be good; admit defeat

Hello all my (unbelievably) loyal followers.
So, for 3 months you never stopped checking for updates. That is impressing. I still laugh a bit every time I get an update from the place monitoring visits on my site.
I am back!

A key part to being a good person seems to be to admit defeat, and move on. This is me admitting defeat.
I will not (!) try 200 new recipes. Nopes. I won’t. Neither will I restrict my blog to 500 days.
From now on I go without script. I’ll update with food and recipes as before, and keep exploring what it is to “be good”, without restrictions or goals.

The good part about my absence is the number of new posts I’ve written about being good. I’ll post them in the next couple of months, mixed with personal stuff as before.

I am back, thank you for sticking with me!

1 comment:

  1. I love to have structure to my blog - such as 'Food Revolution', etc., but when I take that away, it is liberating! I think it creates interest to have themes, but it really limits what you can do. Way to go, girl! I wouldn't call it defeat, I'd call it learning. Love your blog.
